‘Showers at the Museum’, oil on canvas board, unframed
Love at First Sight (A Blog by Mike Barr)
“When it comes to art, we live in an age when the back-story of a painting can be more important than the work itself. This is particularly true of the big art prizes in which many of the works that get the nod not just on the painting, but more importantly, on the issues it may represent. Verbosity, particularly the incomprehensible kind, seems to be built-in to many works these days.
Most art lovers though seek more simplicity.
Long, unfathomable and unbelievable explanations of artworks comes a poor second place to a striking painting. Generally, people buy paintings they like, whether it is something that is going to match their décor or enhance their dreams or memories of places.
One thing is for sure, if a painting needs an explanation to be understood or liked, it has failed in that initial communication.
Love at first sight, is so important in the whole process of selling art. We may not buy at first sight, but we can certainly fall head-over-heels for a particular painting. It may take quite a few ‘dates’ for commitment to take place, but those ‘dates’ were all sparked by the initial rush of blood when eyes first gazed in wonder.
In this way, paintings do talk. Of course, they don’t literally do so, but they do have a voice that is heard by those it is reaching out for.
If a painting is not liked first, then explanations that describe its purpose and intent have no further interest for the viewer – we walk on to see the next work.
The title of paintings is most important. The title is the start of the story and the viewer finishes with their own - this is the wonder of it all. Name the place, explain a feeling or express its energy, all in that title and don’t fall for the dismal ‘untitled’ work. It’s like not naming your child and thereby proclaim you don’t really care.
Paint with passion, title your art with care and seek to visually engage your viewers.”
Happy painting!
Mike Barr